Monday, August 31, 2009

29 Weeks, 2 Days

Well Lynnette made it 29 weeks and 2 days before her first overnight stay at hotel Beaumont. Cervix started to shorten and having more contractions. Doctors want to make sure that the triplets stay in there a few weeks longer. She could be there a couple of days if things improve or she might be there until they are born. Won't know for a few days either way, more updates to come.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I Have Babies In My Tummy Too!

Here's big brother Adam, he can't wait for the triplets to come home. He even has babies in his tummy, just like Mommy!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The First Post

The blog has finally been created. This blog was created so everyone who wants to can stay up to date with what's happening with the soon to arrive triplets, as well as with big brother Adam. Hope everyone enjoys it and we will try to update it as often as we can.